May 18, 2010


As Ren Faire is heading to its end for another year, I find that I can finally once again look past it and think about life outside of Faire. And as sorry as I am that Faire is ending, I am really looking forward to getting back to the rest of my life and attending to the things that have been neglected the last three months or so. To that end, I have made some plans that I'm pretty excited about.

First and foremost, my house. When Chris and I moved into the house in November we worked hard to make the house as functional as possible and ready to have people over for the holidays. However to do that we stuffed our closets and garage and an extra bedroom with boxes and crap that have pretty much just been sitting there ever since. I don't mind too terribly that it has been that way, but I do think it's time for that to change and to make our third bedroom and closets much more useful.

I've worked really hard over the last few years to save up as much vacation time as possible. In my job I often come across individuals who experience an emergency and have to take a significant amount of time off, but they do not have the leave time to cover it. So I learned to make sure I have a buffer. But I am only allowed to carry so many hours into the next year, any excess is lost, so I need to use my excess time this year. So I decided to take a week off in June to simply just focus on getting some order to my home.

Here is the plan for the week:
- Clear out the boxes and crap from the spare room
- Throw away, donate or sell unnecessary items, find proper places for the rest
- Finish painting the spare room
- Switch the two extra rooms, the smaller will become the spare bedroom, the larger will be the office/sewing room
- Get new couches (We're hoping to get a good deal Memorial Day weekend)
- Bring the desk and hope chest still at my mom's house over to our house
- And overall make both spaces much more functional and useful

I would like to do more, but I think this list is a tall order in itself right now and I think it's a good start. I am super excited about all this. I have been itchin to get back to fixing up my home for a while now and I'm so glad that I can spend the time to do so. Plus, I could REALLY use the time off of work

There are some other changes I'll be making after faire is over, but I'll save that for another post. J

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