Feb 9, 2010

Nothing to Say

So, I really am trying to be a better blogger and post more, but honestly I have had nothing really to post. Not much is happening right now. Most of my time is being taken up with sewing my dress for Ren Faire. It's coming along slowly and I'll post pics once it's done and approved. I'll try and get pics up later in the week of Bart helping me make it. He's been a big help. Well anyway, since sewing and beading really isn't awesome blogging material. Here are just some random things that have made me happy lately.

  • Some friends showed me this recently and it just brings out the major geek in me. Binary solo!!!

  • Last week I was bored so I decided I needed to add some more blogs to my Google Reader for some reason. Because I'm not behind on reading them enough as it is. But this blog came up and it just cracks me up. Mostly because I think this chick is on crack. But the pictures she draws totally makes it worth it. You should check it out.

  • I came across this actually months ago, but I can't remember if I posted about it or not. So I'm sorry if I have. But you should still check it out. It's just an awesome waste of time. Prepare yourself for Ikea Hights.

  • I think I need to get Chris this sweater. Totally hot huh?

Ok, that's pretty much all I got. Sorry it's not total awesomeness, but I hope it at lease made you smile. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'd never heard of that blog, but it's fucking hilarious. Thanks. :)
